Tag Archives: familie

And so the saga ends!


Am terminat seria de eseuri cu tema “Lucruri la care nu pot reununta”. Astazi avem ultimele doua eseuri din aceasta serie – din partea lui Radu si a lui Catalin. Lectura placuta!

In our modern society, there are lots of things that I can’t give up because these particular things are part of my life.

To begin with, I can’t give up my MP3 player. It makes me forget about bad things. For example, when I’m having a bad day, I’m bored or annoyed by my brother, I listen to good music on the MP3 player.

Secondly, I can’t give up the Internet. The Internet is a part of every teenager’s life. Every teen uses it to chat with friends, watch the latest videoclips and gossip and they also use it in order to do their homework. That’s exactly what I do. I enjoy spending time surfing the net.

Finally, I can’t give up my computer. Everyone know why – because everyone has one. On a computer you can scan photos, download music and, of course, you can play the best videogames in the world! On the other hand, you can also get viruses, so that can be a downer.

To sum up, I can’t give up my computer, my MP3 player and the Internet, because they are important parts of my life.

Radu Fratisteanu, S4B

Why can’t I give up on money, family or school? Because I love them!

Firstly, if you don’t have money, you can’t afford things you like doing. Even though some people claim money can’t bring happiness, they help you lead a confortable life and forget about your everyday spendings. It’s hard to deny that nowadays you can be completely satisfied without money.

The things that I enjoy (travelling, shopping or spending time in different places) wouldn’t be possible without money and, because of that, money is something that I couldn’t give up.

Family is the most important thing in a person’s life. The atmosphere in your family helps you develop your personality and interactions with other people. I’m happy that my family support me through all my activities and all the other things I want to do. Furthermore, they provide me with financial support in order to make it through all these activities.

Another thing that I can’t give up on is school. First of all, it’s because I can’t afford stopping my education and I think that school is the main thing in creating our personality. Secondly, school is where I met all my friends whom I like spending time with. They are like a second family to me and it would be really hard for me to lose them.

To sum up, I would say that these three thins are part of my life and that without them I wouldn’t be the person I am now.

Catalin Balaci, S4A

Giving up is hard to do


Astazi prezentam un eseu despre cele trei lucruri la care Magda Petcu, de la grupa S4B nu poate renunta. Eseul ei a fost remarcabil pentru consistenta sa si pentru ca Magda e un copil de 12 ani!

During your whole life, you meet people who, with time, become very important to you and you realise you can’t live without them. They are your family, your friends, your girlfriend or boyfriend, your pets or other things such as your childhood teddy bear, your mobile phone or some other personal things.

I’m one of those people that can’t leave without people. I don’t care if you take my toys, my phone or other boring objects.

In the first place, there is my family. I really can’t imagine my life without my parents, my sister, my brother, Fabrice or my grandparents. They mean everything to me. We are a happy family and since I was born, I’ve been a very happy kid.They offered all their affection to me and gave me everything I ever wanted. Through this, I would like to say a sincere “Thank you!” to them.

In the second place, there are my friends. How would I have lived if Diana, Edi, Robi, Eugen, Andra, Oana or Cristina hadn’t existed? They are like my family – my second family. They never left me when I had problems and started crying, as they never left me when I was happy and laughed. I know that childhood friendships don’t last a long time, but I feel that they will be mine forever. I really apreciate them because they are here for me.

And here comes third place, but this doesn’t mean that I care less about her. As you may have guessed, I don’t want to lose my cat, Trixi. Even though I’ve had her since December, she’s as important as my family or friends. She has run away twice, but she came back every time. In those moments, I realised how important she is to me.

The coundown can continue, but I told you about the most important things in my life. If I’d in the situation to choose between my life or theirs, I would choose theirs.

Remember, party people! I’ll never give you up!

Magda Petcu, S4A

Relatia cu bunicii


Bunicii sunt, pentru proaspetii parinti, niste profesori in arta cresterii copiiilor. De cate ori nu au cerut sfatul lor in privinta cresterii celui mic? Ce e bine sa faca in situatia X sau Y? Daca va recunoasteti in aceasta descriere, intelegeti cat de importanti sunt bunicii in cresterea copilului.

Primele modele pe care le are copilul sunt parintii si bunicii. Este important sa petreaca timp cu bunicii, mai ales cand mama si tata au un program destul de incarcat la serviciu si nu isi permit sa fie acolo tot timpul sa se joace, sa le citeasca o poveste sau sa ii invete ceva nou pe copii. Buncii ii pot influenta in mod pozitiv pe cei mici, le pot face cunostinta cu o lume noua, mai ales daca locuiesc la tara. In cazul in care bunicii locuiesc la casa, sansele sunt ca acestia sa aiba si 1-2 animalute prin curte. Copiii vor prinde drag de aceste animalute, asadar vor vrea sa vina mereu sa se joace cu pisica sau catelul bunicilor.

Nimic nu se compara cu prajitura bunicii pe care copilul nu o va uita niciodata. De asemenea, cine i-ar constru acel leagan in spatele casei, daca nu bunicul? Prezenta bunicilor in viata copilului, ii asigura o copilarie minunata, in care nu va simti lipsa lucrurilor pe care mama si tata nu le-au putut oferi din cauza lipsei de timp. Un simplu joc cu mingea cu bunicul, o poveste sau o ghicitoare spusa de bunica il vor ajuta pe cel mic sa capete incredere in ei si sa se regaseasca pe sine de fiecare data cand ii viziteaza pe bunici.

De cate ori aveti putin timp liber la dispozitie, faceti o vizita la bunici si petreceti cat mai mult timp cu ei. Daca vizitele dese nu sunt posibilie din cauza distantei, puneti-i celui mic la dispozitie mijloacele necesare pentru a intra in contact cu bunica sau bunicul. Ii poate suna, le poate trimite scrisori, sau e-mailuri, daca bunicii au calculator. Isi pot trimite poze, se pot vedea la camera web, pentru a compensa faptul ca nu pot sa se vada des. De asemenea, e bine ca cel mic sa aiba o poza cu bunicii sai in camera, pentru a-si aminti ca au un loc important in viata lui.

Bunicii au timp si experienta pentru a-i invata o multime de lucururi interesante, oferindu-le sfaturi intelepte si trucuri pe care doar acestia le mai stiu, fascinandu-ne insa chiar si atunci cand ajungem la maturitate. Caci doar bunica face cea mai buna mancare, iar bunicul are gradina cea mai frumoasa. Acesti oameni vor fi mereu “magicienii” care ne-au fermecat copilaria cu bunatatea si intelepciunea lor. Nu degeaba se numesc BUNici.

Pe final, va las cu poezia “Casa Bunicilor” de Mihai Leonte:


De ce-mi stăruie în minte,
Vechiul bucium de la stână,
Prins de cureaua cu albe ţinte,
Lângă uşa scârţâind, bătrână?

De ce mi se pare frumoasă,
Acea construcţie simplă de lemn,
A bunicilor veche casă?
Cred că e al amintirilor semn.

Odăile cu duşumele de pământ,
Ferestre mici, tăiate de vergele,
Pentru mine este locul sfânt,
Al copilăriei mele.

Nu pot să alung din amintiri,
Să pun în locul lor palate,
Să înlocuiesc vechile trăiri,
Vă spun! Asta nu se poate.