Tag Archives: follow me

Ganduri de final de an scolar…


Au trecut 8 luni de cand scriam primul articol pe blog despre prima zi de scoala si, in acelasi timp, de cand am pus pe picioare blogul scolii Follow Me. Acum ca am ajuns la finele unui an scolar, speram ca cei mici si-au gasit la intrebarile de la inceputul articolului de pe 13 Septembrie.

Ca la fiecare final de an scolar, tragem linie si vedem cate din rezolutiile propuse la inceput au fost duse la bun sfarsit si la ce mai trebuie sa mai lucram pe viitor. Toata lumea e obosita si suprasaturata dupa un an scolar in care au avut de invatat multe notiuni noi. Unii dintre copii au avut si examene Cambridge anul acesta pentru care s-au pregatit intens inca din decembrie. Primele rezultate au ajuns deja la sediul nostru si suntem foarte mandre de ceea ce au reusit sa faca cei mici care au sustinut Young Learners of English. Mentionam ca acesti copii au pana in 12 ani si pentru multi dintre ei, acesta a fost primul examen pe care l-au sustinut pana in prezent.

Copiii si profesorii nostri impartasesc impresiile lor despre acest an scolar care mai are foarte putin si se incheie.

“Pentru mine anul acesta a fost o provocare, pentru ca am avut cel mai mare numar de copii de pana acum, alt tip de grupe decat cel cu care am lucrat pana in prezent si am avut ocazia sa cunosc alti copii decat cei cu care am lucrat in anii anteriori. Mi-a placut sa vad ca atata timp cat exista implicare din partea copiiilor si a parintilor, precum si din partea profesorului indrumator, se pot obtine rezultate foarte frumoase. Sunt mandra de copiii mei si abia astept sa vad cum vor “creste” in continuare. “

( Miss Raluca Barbu, Senior Teacher)

” Ma despart de copii cu parere de rau, deoarece a fost un an plin de surprize placute, in care am cunoscut copii cu personalitati impresionante, care mi-au demonstrat ca pot face progrese daca vor cu adevarat si daca se straduiesc. Copii au fost tot timpul veseli si m-au umplut si pe mine de energie, in felul acesta s-a produs o legatura destul de stransa intre mine si ei. Este foarte placut sentimentul acela cand intru in clasa iar ei cu voce tare zic: HELLO MISS, si se vede ca vin cu mare placere la curs.”

(Miss Corina Stroe, Elementary Teacher)

” Un an scolar e ca un final de drum – “In sfarsit am ajuns!” este ceea ce vreau sa exclam, dar, in acelasi timp, ma bucur si de calatoria de care am avut parte, alaturi de copii dornici de invatat. Anul acesta am avut foarte multi copii care au dat examene Cambridge. Am incredere in ei ca rezultatele vor fi dintre cele mai bune si, cel mai important, direct proportionale cu munca depusa. Astept cu mare interes copiii la cursurile de vara si sper sa pornim la un nou drum cu acelasi entuziasm ca si in anul care tocmai s-a incheiat. De fiecare data cand vad un rezultat bun obtinut prin munca multa de catre copiii mei, ma simt mandra ca am reusit sa le insuflu dragostea fata de limba engleza.”

(Miss Anca Petrescu, Junior Teacher)

“Imi place la Follow Me pentru ca Miss-ele sunt dragute, e bine intretinuta scoala si sunt reguli care mi se par foarte corecte. Imi place engleza pentru ca e o limba frumoasa, e usoara si accentul e amuzant. Invat engleza pentru ca e folositoare si imi plac Miss-ele pentru ca predau incet si frumos si sunt dragute.”

(Sara Cotovelea, Clasa I A)

“Imi place profesoara mea de la engleza. Imi plac prietenii de la engleza. La scoala Follow Me inveti lucruri interesante si imi plac jocurile pe care le jucam. Eu vin aici deoarece limba engleza ma va ajuta in viata.”

(Bianca Crivat, J2C)

“Am ales limba engleza pentru ca aceasta ma ajuta cam in orice tara. Si am ales sa invat aceasta limba la Follow Me deoarece in fiecare ora ne distram putin si Miss nu tipa la noi – mereu este calma. Orice profesoara de aici este foarte draguta si colegii mei sunt amuzanti. Se invata foarte bine limba engleza aici.

Fiecare ora este minunata.”

(Ana-Maria Bucur, J2A)

Pareri avem cu sutele si promitem sa le impartasim pe toate. Ii asteptam pe copii si pe perioada verii pentru cursuri distractive, interactive si super-atractive!

Films can make life better, but they can also make Magda’s dream come true


Movies are people’s life stories. Most of you probably think that they are just the director’s or writer’s imagination and don’t have anything to do with art. You are lying to yourselves if you believe that. In reality and in my opinion, films are art. Even if they aren’t made by famous singers or painters, they have actors in them and acting is another way of expressing through art.

Anyway, we should talk about how films make our lives better. There are many types of films, from comedies, dramas, romantic movies to historical ones to documentaries. They can all affect our vision about life, because most of them, with the exception of Science Fiction movies, are based on real life events. If you see a drama about a child who dies, you tend to be more protective towards your children and make sure they don’t get hurt. If you watch a romantic movie, you will learn about how to maintain and protect a good relationship. If you see a documentary or a historical film, you’ll learn new things that will contribute to your general knowledge.

Movies can be a good debut for young actors and singers. They can showcase their talents and skills in different aspects of the movie. I have a friend who is the perfect actor. He appeared shortly in an advertisment, then he played in a movie. This event changed his life a lot.

In some countries, there are tryouts on the street, where ordinary people can show their talent and passion for acting. If they do it well, they have the chance to be in a well-known director’s film. It can change their lives and ours too, because we see how they had succeeded to land the role in a play or a film.

To sum up, I want to say that when I grow up, I want to become a director. Now, I have some ideas for movies that can change people’s lives in good. For example, there could be a movie for people who are depressed by everything. It should be a movie with sad people (in the beginning) that realize that being sad and depressed isn’t good for their health or life. I really believe it will change people’s visions about life.

Magda Petcu, S4B

Avem copii talentati…si nu numai la engleza


Aici, la Follow Me ne putem mandri cu niste copii foarte talentati – atat la engleza, cat si la alte materii. Doua fetite gemene, Daria si Maria Gheorghe au aparut in revista scolii lor cu mai multe compuneri foarte dragute! Revista se numeste ECHOS si este editata de clasa a IV-a C a Scolii numarul 146 “I.G. Duca”, Bucuresti.

Felicitari, fetelor! Sper sa avem vesti bune si pe viitor in ceea ce priveste reusitele voastre scolare!

And so the saga ends!


Am terminat seria de eseuri cu tema “Lucruri la care nu pot reununta”. Astazi avem ultimele doua eseuri din aceasta serie – din partea lui Radu si a lui Catalin. Lectura placuta!

In our modern society, there are lots of things that I can’t give up because these particular things are part of my life.

To begin with, I can’t give up my MP3 player. It makes me forget about bad things. For example, when I’m having a bad day, I’m bored or annoyed by my brother, I listen to good music on the MP3 player.

Secondly, I can’t give up the Internet. The Internet is a part of every teenager’s life. Every teen uses it to chat with friends, watch the latest videoclips and gossip and they also use it in order to do their homework. That’s exactly what I do. I enjoy spending time surfing the net.

Finally, I can’t give up my computer. Everyone know why – because everyone has one. On a computer you can scan photos, download music and, of course, you can play the best videogames in the world! On the other hand, you can also get viruses, so that can be a downer.

To sum up, I can’t give up my computer, my MP3 player and the Internet, because they are important parts of my life.

Radu Fratisteanu, S4B

Why can’t I give up on money, family or school? Because I love them!

Firstly, if you don’t have money, you can’t afford things you like doing. Even though some people claim money can’t bring happiness, they help you lead a confortable life and forget about your everyday spendings. It’s hard to deny that nowadays you can be completely satisfied without money.

The things that I enjoy (travelling, shopping or spending time in different places) wouldn’t be possible without money and, because of that, money is something that I couldn’t give up.

Family is the most important thing in a person’s life. The atmosphere in your family helps you develop your personality and interactions with other people. I’m happy that my family support me through all my activities and all the other things I want to do. Furthermore, they provide me with financial support in order to make it through all these activities.

Another thing that I can’t give up on is school. First of all, it’s because I can’t afford stopping my education and I think that school is the main thing in creating our personality. Secondly, school is where I met all my friends whom I like spending time with. They are like a second family to me and it would be really hard for me to lose them.

To sum up, I would say that these three thins are part of my life and that without them I wouldn’t be the person I am now.

Catalin Balaci, S4A

Am tesut la Rucar!


Sambata, 19 mai, autocarul Follow Me a pornit de la sediul din Titan, catre cel din Drumul Taberei, iar apoi inspre atelierul de tesut din Rucar. Copiii au venit entuziasmati si gata de aventura. Cele trei obiective turistice din ziua excursiei au fost: atelierul de tesut, pestera Dambovicioara si Manastirea Namaiesti (care a fost un bonus neasteptat!). Copiii au tesut, au mancat cel mai gustos serbet, s-au distrat si au venit acasa cu amintiri de nepretuit.

Ajunsi la Scoala populara de arte, cei mici au fost indrumati de catre ucenicii acestei scoli. Dintr-o singura fasie de etamina, au reusit sa isi faca niste amintiri unice. Fiecare si-a creat si primit propriul semn de carte pe care scrie “Follow Me”, “Rucar” sau “Romania”.

La pestera Dambovicioara, ghidul nostru a fost unul deosebit – un copilas de numai 8 anisori! In ciuda varstei, s-a descurcat remarcabil!

Pestera Dambovicioara se afla in judetul Arges, la mai putin de 20 de Km de zona Bran, pe culoarul Bran-Rucar. Pestera s-a format in calcarele jurasice ale Masivului Piatra Craiului, in urma actiunii apelor paraului Dambovicioara.

Drumul spre pestera urmeaza cursul Dambovicioarei, plin de mici cascade si repezisuri, printr-un mic defileu pitoresc. Soseaua merge in paralel cu aceasta, oferind pe alocuri zone de popas inverzite, inconjurate de stanca, de o frumusete deosebita.

Pentru unii e distractiv sa pacalesti copiii. Si pe asta s-au bazat si ghizii nostri! Li s-a promis ca vor merge la discoteca. Cei mici au inceput sa strige si sa topaie de bucurie, dar nu au fost dezamagiti cand au aflat ca urmatoarea destinatie era manastirea Namaiesti.

Situata intr-o zona de un pitoresc deosebit, o zona cu stravechi urme istorice, manastirea Namaiesti este unul dintre cele trei asezaminte monahale rupestre ce alcatuiesc un triunghi echilateral cu latura de 20 de km, celelalte doua fiind manastirile Cetatuia si Corbii de Piatra.

Intrarea in manastirea Namaiesti se afla in apropierea soselei care strabate satul cu acelasi nume, peste drum de casa memoriala George Toparceanu. Drumul ingust urca printre casele in care locuiesc maicile ce duc aici o viata de sine. Treptele se opresc sus la biserica sapata in stanca.
Biserica, staretia si o parte din chilii au suferit din cauza incendiilor provocate de bombele cazute in zona in timpul primului razboi mondial dar flacarile n-au atins icoana. Astazi pe peretii bisericii sapate in stanca se mai pot vedea picturi murale, neindemanatic realizate, cu figuri de sfinti sterse in pridvorul sudic. Interiorul bisericii nu este pictat.

Pe pereti sunt insa atarnate icoane. In afara bisericii, langa peretele de stanca, se afla mormintele unor preoti care au slujit aici in ultimele doua secole.

Toate lucrurile bune ajung si la un final. Cei mici si-au luat serbetul (foarte delicios!), suvenirurile tesute si au pornit spre Bucuresti. Ne bucuram ca s-au simtit bine si sper sa ni se mai alature si in excursiile viitoare!

Impresii dupa examenul First Certificate in English


FCE este un examen pe care il sustin, de regula, copiii cu varste cuprinse intre 16 si 18 ani. Anul acesta am avut parte de doua surprize! Cei doi copii care au sustinut First Ceritificate anul acesta au doar 14 ani si s-au descurcat admirabil. Felicitari Iuliei Bratulescu si lui Alexandru Popa de la grupa S5 a Miss Corinei!

Iulia ne-a impartasit cateva impresii post-examen:

Cum se simte stiind ca a absolvit cu un nivel peste cel prevazut de Ministerul Educatiei la o varsta atat de mica:

Even though I am younger that the average age for the FCE exam, I received a lot of encouragement from my parents, friends and my teacher from Follow Me to make it. This gave me self confidence and, because of them, I felt completely ready to take the exam.

At the age of almost fourteen, being with one level above the one requiered by the Ministry of Education of highschool graduates makes me feel proud of myself and thankful to my parents, who contributed a lot in my way to acheive this.

Cum a ajutat-o Follow Me sa treaca acest examen:

Because of Follow Me, I passed the FCE exam. Before I came here, I didn’t know English, but after seven years of coming here, I almost have perfect English.

I started from J1, the smallest grade, but in several years of being well prepared, I passed the FCE exam at the age of 14 years old. The average age for the FCE exam is 16-18, but thanks to Follow Me, I was able to take it earlier and pass it with success!

Al meu e! Nu renunt la el! Doua eseuri nou-noute!


Continuam astazi cu seria eseurilor in care seniorii de la nivelul 4 vorbesc despre lucrurile la care nu pot renunta. Lectura placuta!

There are some things in this world which I can’t give up. If I had to choose between them, it would be impossible for me.

My friends are the most important to me, because in one way or another I have to choose them and I know they listen to me and we have a lot of fun together. We sometimes have the same hobbies and that’s a good thing.

I don’t like to admit it, but I need my family too, including my dog. I know they love me and I respect the fact that they do the best they can just to make me happy. I fight with my parents pretty much, but I know they’re often right.

The third thing which I can’t live without is my guitar or music in general. When I’m listening to a song that I like or I’m watchin videos with my favourite guitarist, this is what I am thinking: “I want to be like them! This is awesome!” and then I pick up my guitar and I never give up until I reach my goal!

Miruna Mantu, S4B

I think I can’t give up my teenage years because this period is the most interesting of anyone’s life. For example, I associate teenagehood with highschool. Highschool is like a gate between fearless children – maybe teachers might be their only enemy – and maturity. This is because when you graduate, you will eventually know you will also graduate college and you’ll have to find a job. If there had been more years, I wouldn’t have thought like this, but that is just reality!

The second thing I couldn’t give up is my mobile phone. I’d probably be dead without it. In my opinion, it’s the symbol of the 21st century. You can contact your friends more quickly. Imagine that, for example, you want to go to the cinema with your friend and you write him a letter desperately hoping that the postman can deliver it on time, or maybe during the advertisments before the film starts.   Of course you wouldn’t do that – you’d call him!

The last ling I won’t give up is my summer holiday. The most important part of the year is summer because school’s over and you can do everything you want for three months. I also think there’s enough time to go visit other countries or go to the beach. This part of the year is my favourite!

These are the things that make my life fun, and giving them up would change that entire perspective.

Gino Pintilie, S4A

Hai sa ne mai si jucam!


“Nu am incetat sa ne jucam pentru ca am imbatranit, ci am imbatranit pentru ca am incetat sa ne mai jucam.”

Joaca nu se aplica numai in viata de zi cu zi a copiiilor. Adultii trebuie sa isi aminteasca cum sa se joace, indiferent de varsta. Invatarea unei limbi straine nu se rezuma numai la retinerea unor reguli de gramatica si a unor structuri fixe de vocabular. Acest proces trebuie sa fie si distractiv, palpitant si sa ii faca pe cursanti sa isi doreasca sa invete in timp ce se joaca. Unele jocuri vor sa testeze gramatica, altele vocabularul si altele capacitatea de a silabisi cuvinte.

Jocurile cu zarul sunt printre cele mai populare, atat la clasa, cat si in sala de curs. Poate vreti sa repetati numerele, zilele saptamanii sau lunile anului. Un joc e mult mai distractiv decat o regula de gramatica ce ne intra pe o ureche si ne iese pe alta.

Pentru incepatori, va propun un joc de repetare a starilor, a unor mancaruri si a numerelor. Sper ca aveti zarul la indemana!

Gramatica nu trebuie sa fie ceva care sa ne faca sa oftam. Poate fi distractiva, mai ales daca o privim ca pe un joc – ca pe un joc de baschet, mai exact. Va alegeti numarul de puncte pe care vreti sa il marcati, si apoi, daca ati raspuns corect, puteti marca aceste puncte la cos. Cu cat e numarul punctelor mai mare, cu atat creste dificultatea. E o alternativa distractiva pentru cei care nu sunt mari fani ai fiselor de gramatica.

O alta idee ar fi Battleship (vaporasele) – care poate fi jucat in echipe de cate minim 2 persoane.

Idei de jocuri in limba engleza sunt nenumarate. Profesoara voastra le va gasi cu siguranta pe cele mai potrivite pentru voi.

Invatati engleza, dar nu uitati sa va si distrati cu ea!

Facem excursie!


A trecut un an de la ultima excursie in care ne-am distrat de minune, asa ca ne-am dori sa repetam experienta! De data aceasta, ne vedem la Rucar!


Sarbatoreste inceputul sezonului cald intr-o zi de joaca plina de surprize la Rucar!

Cand? pe 19 mai

Unde? La Rucar, unde vom invata despre unul dintre cele mai frumoase mestesuguri romanesti la Atelierul de tesatorie si apoi vom vizita Pestera Dambovicioara.

Cine poate participa? Copii, parinti, bunici, verisori, prieteni, bone care vor fi insotiti de profesori de la Follow Me, masa calda de pranz la restaurant, vizite la atelierul de tesatorie si pestera.

Cat costa? 50 platitori119 RON; 40 platitori129 RON30 platitori139 RON; 20 platitori159 RON

Inscrierea se efectueaza prin plata excursiei pana la data de 4 mai, la unul dintre sediile Follow Me: Bd. N. Grigorescu 27 sau Bd. Timisoara 35, unde ne puteti gasi de luni pana vineri,  intre orele 09:30 – 18:30.

Noi abia asteptam! Sper ca si voi sa fiti la fel de entuziasmati ca si noi de aceasta excursie. E o ocazie buna pentru copii sa se imprieteneasca, sa cunoasca obiceiurile traditional romanesti sa se distreze si sa respire un aer curat. Nu strica niciodata sa iasa din Bucuresti si din fata calculatorului pentru o zi de relaxare si distractie.

Pentru mai multe detalii si oferta completa, apasati aici!

Va asteptam cu un comentariu la postare daca va ganditi sa veniti!


Ne permitem sa judecam alte culturi?


Astazi avem un eseu de opinie din partea lui Alexandru Popa de la grupa S5 din Drumul Taberei.

We should acknowledge from the beginning that throughout history, there have been several types of behaviour and a lot of ways to express the general idea about morality. The key question we need to answer is wether we can afford to judge cultures and eras that played a vital role in human civilization or not.

Firstly, let’s not forget that people from the past lived in tormented eras, where war and conflicts were necessary to bring peace and harmony in people’s lives and thus they had different cultures that could seem strange for us. Moreover, at that time there were harsh leaders that were imposing their lifestyle, religion, jobs etc. It was normal for them to think that they are on the right path, even though some rulers were enforcing the wrong idea.

Secondly, we must remember that their society wasn’t as developed as the current one. They didn’t have such industrialized cities and they didn’t discover all the basic things, so we shouldn’t judge the times that the poeple were living.

However, it is true that some ideas from the past were completely wrong or that some wars were unnecessary for civilisation, creating global or national problems that people suffered from.

To sum up, I think that people shouldn’t judge former cultures and eras because people had another mentality and their civilisations weren’t so developed as they are nowadays.