Tag Archives: opinion essay

Films can make life better, but they can also make Magda’s dream come true


Movies are people’s life stories. Most of you probably think that they are just the director’s or writer’s imagination and don’t have anything to do with art. You are lying to yourselves if you believe that. In reality and in my opinion, films are art. Even if they aren’t made by famous singers or painters, they have actors in them and acting is another way of expressing through art.

Anyway, we should talk about how films make our lives better. There are many types of films, from comedies, dramas, romantic movies to historical ones to documentaries. They can all affect our vision about life, because most of them, with the exception of Science Fiction movies, are based on real life events. If you see a drama about a child who dies, you tend to be more protective towards your children and make sure they don’t get hurt. If you watch a romantic movie, you will learn about how to maintain and protect a good relationship. If you see a documentary or a historical film, you’ll learn new things that will contribute to your general knowledge.

Movies can be a good debut for young actors and singers. They can showcase their talents and skills in different aspects of the movie. I have a friend who is the perfect actor. He appeared shortly in an advertisment, then he played in a movie. This event changed his life a lot.

In some countries, there are tryouts on the street, where ordinary people can show their talent and passion for acting. If they do it well, they have the chance to be in a well-known director’s film. It can change their lives and ours too, because we see how they had succeeded to land the role in a play or a film.

To sum up, I want to say that when I grow up, I want to become a director. Now, I have some ideas for movies that can change people’s lives in good. For example, there could be a movie for people who are depressed by everything. It should be a movie with sad people (in the beginning) that realize that being sad and depressed isn’t good for their health or life. I really believe it will change people’s visions about life.

Magda Petcu, S4B

Al meu e! Nu renunt la el! Doua eseuri nou-noute!


Continuam astazi cu seria eseurilor in care seniorii de la nivelul 4 vorbesc despre lucrurile la care nu pot renunta. Lectura placuta!

There are some things in this world which I can’t give up. If I had to choose between them, it would be impossible for me.

My friends are the most important to me, because in one way or another I have to choose them and I know they listen to me and we have a lot of fun together. We sometimes have the same hobbies and that’s a good thing.

I don’t like to admit it, but I need my family too, including my dog. I know they love me and I respect the fact that they do the best they can just to make me happy. I fight with my parents pretty much, but I know they’re often right.

The third thing which I can’t live without is my guitar or music in general. When I’m listening to a song that I like or I’m watchin videos with my favourite guitarist, this is what I am thinking: “I want to be like them! This is awesome!” and then I pick up my guitar and I never give up until I reach my goal!

Miruna Mantu, S4B

I think I can’t give up my teenage years because this period is the most interesting of anyone’s life. For example, I associate teenagehood with highschool. Highschool is like a gate between fearless children – maybe teachers might be their only enemy – and maturity. This is because when you graduate, you will eventually know you will also graduate college and you’ll have to find a job. If there had been more years, I wouldn’t have thought like this, but that is just reality!

The second thing I couldn’t give up is my mobile phone. I’d probably be dead without it. In my opinion, it’s the symbol of the 21st century. You can contact your friends more quickly. Imagine that, for example, you want to go to the cinema with your friend and you write him a letter desperately hoping that the postman can deliver it on time, or maybe during the advertisments before the film starts.   Of course you wouldn’t do that – you’d call him!

The last ling I won’t give up is my summer holiday. The most important part of the year is summer because school’s over and you can do everything you want for three months. I also think there’s enough time to go visit other countries or go to the beach. This part of the year is my favourite!

These are the things that make my life fun, and giving them up would change that entire perspective.

Gino Pintilie, S4A

Ghid de supravietuire in caz de examen


De cele mai multe ori, cuvantul “examen” e sinonim cu cuvantul “stres“. Lucrul acesta se intampla de obicei din cauza faptului ca pregatirea pentru acest examen a fost lasata pe ultima suta de metri sau ca este un examen crucial de care depinde viitorul candidatului.

Multa lume, indiferent de varsta, a avut urmatorul vis: esti in sala de examen, ai foaia in fata si ai uitat absolut TOT! De cele mai multe ori se intampla nici sa nu poti lega doua cuvinte coerent intr-o limba inteligibila. Stresul e maxim si presiunea e atat de mare incat te trezesti gafaind. Chiar daca a fost doar un vis, te face sa te intrebi daca ai totul sub control si daca ii poti face fata cand va veni ziua examenului. Presiunea de a reusi pe plan scolar este imensa; nu numai din partea parintilor si a profesorilor, dar si din partea ta, a candidatului.

Daca te panichezi numai cand te gandesti la examen, e cazul sa discuti cu cineva – cel mai bine cu profesorul tau. El sau ea te va linisti si iti va raspunde la toate intrebarile pe care le ai cu privire la pastrarea calmului la examen. Ideal ar fi ca discutia aceasta sa fie purtata din timp, nu cu putine zile inainte de examen – ideea este sa previi panica din timp, nu instantaneu.

Trebuie sa stii la ce te astepti. Cum va fi examenul? Va fi grila? Va fi cu raspunsuri deschise sau va trebui sa redactezi un eseu?

  • In cazul unui examen grila, citeste cu atentie intrebarea. Nu te uita la raspunsuri din prima. Gandeste-te la ce ai raspunde tu si apoi vezi daca unul dintre raspunsurile date e similar cu ce ai gandit tu. Bazeaza-te pe logica, dar si pe instinct – de obicei nu te tradeaza, dar fii foarte atent!
  • Daca intrebarile sunt intrebari cu raspunsuri scurte sau de tip eseu, citirea cerintei este cruciala. In cazul in care ai de redactat un eseu, fa-ti planul pe o ciorna, stabileste cate paragrafe iti trebuie si ce trebuie sa incluzi in fiecare. Astfel vei evita taieturile de pe foaia de examen si vei avea un rezultat mult mai organizat. Nu folosi vocabular complicat de care nu esti sigur. Sansele de esec sunt mult mai mari. Axeaza-te pe ceea ce ai invatat si pe ce esti sigur. Nu vrei sa fii depunctat pentru ca ai scris gresit cuvintele cu care iti doreai sa impresionezi corectorii.

E foarte bine sa ii ceri profesorului un set de subiecte care s-au dat in anii trecuti pentru a sti la ce sa te astepti. Daca formatul iti este familiar, va fi mult mai simplu cand vei avea foaia de examen in fata.

Cand esti in sala de examen, pastreaza-ti calmul. Nu e ca si cum poti invata acum ce ai trecut cu vederea acum 3 luni. E important sa fi mancat in dimineata examenului si sa fi avut parte de un somn linistit in noaptea de dinainte. Da tot ce ai mai bun pentru a nu avea sentimente de regret de genul “Daca mentionam si lucrul X si Y…”

Cu ocazia aceasta, doresc sa urez mult noroc tuturor care se pregatesc pentru examenele Cambridge din primavara si vara asta! Dati tot ce aveti mai bun!



Ne permitem sa judecam alte culturi?


Astazi avem un eseu de opinie din partea lui Alexandru Popa de la grupa S5 din Drumul Taberei.

We should acknowledge from the beginning that throughout history, there have been several types of behaviour and a lot of ways to express the general idea about morality. The key question we need to answer is wether we can afford to judge cultures and eras that played a vital role in human civilization or not.

Firstly, let’s not forget that people from the past lived in tormented eras, where war and conflicts were necessary to bring peace and harmony in people’s lives and thus they had different cultures that could seem strange for us. Moreover, at that time there were harsh leaders that were imposing their lifestyle, religion, jobs etc. It was normal for them to think that they are on the right path, even though some rulers were enforcing the wrong idea.

Secondly, we must remember that their society wasn’t as developed as the current one. They didn’t have such industrialized cities and they didn’t discover all the basic things, so we shouldn’t judge the times that the poeple were living.

However, it is true that some ideas from the past were completely wrong or that some wars were unnecessary for civilisation, creating global or national problems that people suffered from.

To sum up, I think that people shouldn’t judge former cultures and eras because people had another mentality and their civilisations weren’t so developed as they are nowadays.


Are computers good for us? Here are two opinions!


Nowadays, everybody has a computer. We use them for everything. They are a necessity for us. Though they help us, entertain us and make us feel in another world, they have become too human, which is not good.

Firstly, for me my computer is everything. It keeps me in touch with my favourite celebrities or get the latest songs. I became addicted and it would be hard for me not to have it anymore. I almost see it as a friend, so they are something useful.

Secondly, they are useful in business. They keep secret files or important contracts, which would be hard to keep in a normal file. On the other hand, they are replacing the human mind  more and more. Instead of thinking and searching in books, people find it easier to press some buttons and find the answers they were looking for even faster.

To sum up, I strongly believe that without computers, our lives won’t be the same. They make it easier and that’s why I don’t think we’ll survive without them.

Iulia Bratulescu, S5, Follow Me Drumul Taberei

We should acknowledge from the start that computers have always been a commented subject. The question we need to answer is if they’ve made our world a better or a safer place. My view is that the negative parts are in advantage.

Firstly, nowadays teenagers forget how o communicate and interact because they are caught in the virtual world. There are a lot of sites like Facebook, Twitter or Messenger that make people stop talking to eachother face to face and come in a virtual environment.

Secondly, computers are changing the way we live. Children prefer staying at home and playing computer games instead of going outside with their friends. When teenagers meet in a park, they are too busy reading their e-mails or news rather than having fun together. They copy projects from the internet, they steal people’s ideas and they forget how to be creative and how to improve their skills.

On the other hand, it’s true that computers make our lives easier. I mean, if you want to find information about any subject, with just a click on the internet, a lot of sources will be revealed. What is more, a lot of companies are directed by computers: our traffic control, hospitals, unversities. All their work is kept in a computer.

All things considered, I really do think that people will arive at a point when they’ll be controlled by computers, they will become like computers’ slaves and will lose their abilities, but people must evolve with technology and should try to make their lives easier and simpler.

Irina Balaci, S5, Follow Me Drumul Taberei